Gifted and Talented
Gifted & Talented
Aubrey Davis
"Gifted students represent a vital resource that has unlimited potential in our schools. We strive to ensure these exceptional young people have the support and service they need to be successful."
Superintendent ~ Barry Lee
This philosophy coincides with 704 KAR 3:285, the regulation which requires each district to adopt policies and procedures that provide for identification of strengths, gifted behaviors, and talents of students in kindergarten through 12th grade. This webpage serves as a compilation site for immediate access to Innovation Nation, Casey County's initiative solely focused on servicing our Gifted and Talented (GT) population.
Welcome to Innovation Nation, Casey County’s initiative focused solely on serving our Gifted and Talented (GT) population. As the district’s GT Coordinator and GT Resource Teacher, it is an honor to be entrusted with the task of building support and services for our brightest students on a daily basis. I am a firm believer in everyone having immediate, free access to how our GT program works. GT should not be a mystery.
To prospective GT students & parents:
GT is not a club that can be joined. It is a service that is provided based on eligibility. Kentucky state regulation (704 KAR 3:285) identifies gifted students in grades 4-12 in any of the following areas:
- General Intellectual- cognitive intelligence or how your brain works
- Specific Academic Aptitude- school subjects of Math, Science, English Language Arts, & Social Studies
- Leadership- social skills & interpersonal qualities
- Creativity- divergent thinking in areas of fluency, flexibility, elaboration, & originality
- Visual & Performing Arts- Art, Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Dance, Drama
How is eligibility determined?
The first step is a nomination. Anyone can nominate any student. Nomination forms are located on the district’s GT webpage in the right hand column. After the nomination form has been received, a case file is opened and data collection begins to determine if the nominee meets the KY regulations for identification. Any individual testing will require parent permission. Once data has been collected, the nomination will be presented to the school’s GT Selection and Placement (S/P) Committee, which meets annually, to make an informed decision on eligibility. Parents will be notified by mail of the GT S/P Committee’s decision. All test results and data collection is available to parents upon request.
To current GT students & parents:
Once a student has been determined eligible to receive GT services, the GT S/P Committee will develop a Gifted Student Service Plan (GSSP) outlining services to be offered based on the evidence collected and student/parent surveys. GT students receive 2 primary services:
- The first is directly tied to the identified area and the classroom teacher. For example, if area of identification is math, then the primary service could be differentiated instruction, independent study, accelerated content, and/or cluster grouping within your regularly scheduled math class.
- The second is directly tied to the identified area and the GT Resource Teacher. This service provides consultation and collaboration to assure appropriate supports are in place along with opportunities to choose from a range of services that best meet your needs. Many of these services are in collaboration with 21st Century, Gear-Up, Project Lead the Way, Title I, Extended School Services and other district programs.
Your child’s GSSP is available to be viewed on your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account under the Documents tab. A hard copy of the GSSP is also available upon request through the GT department. GT Progress Reports will be provided through your child's school report card once per semester in an effort to continuously monitor services and to keep you informed.
Innovation Nation values parent involvement and input. We expect your child’s interests and abilities to grow and to also change over time. As a result, we encourage you to contact our program if we can be of assistance in anyway. Through open communication and working together, we will strive to provide the best supports and services for your student to be successful.
Parent Guide to Gifted Children
KY Regulation for Gifted Education
704 KAR 3:285
K-3rd Grade PTP Staff Nomination Forms
Jones Park Elementary Teacher Recommendation
Liberty Elementary Teacher Recommendation
Walnut Hill Elementary Teacher Recommendation
Nomination Forms for Students
Creativity Student Self-Assessment
GT Staff Nomination Forms (4th-12th)
English Language Arts Staff Nomination
General Intellectual Ability Staff Nomination
Social Studies Staff Nomination
GT Parent Nomination Forms
Creativity Parent Questionnaire
Leadership Parent Questionnaire
Helpful Links
Kentucky Association for Gifted Education