Special Education
Angel Stephens
Director of Special Education
606-787-6941 Ex:8146
Jennifer Hamilton
Early Childhood
606-787-6941 Ex:8147
Tammie Bernard
606-787-6941 Ex:8144
The Special Education Department provides services for eligible children and youth with disabilities of school attendance age consistent with standards established by the Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act, 2004 (IDEA) and school district policies and procedures. The district provides a variety of services for students with disabilities including collaboration, resource, and special class services as determined by an Admissions and Release Committee (ARC).
Our team consists of special education teachers, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists and a district diagnostician.
We partner with parents, agencies, and community stakeholders to ensure students receive appropriate services to meet their academic and non-academic needs.
The following programs and services are available to eligible students with a disability from 3 to age 21 through:
Areas of Impairment
- Developmentally Delay
- Functional Mental Disability
- Mild Mental Disability
- Emotional/Behavioral Disability
- Hearing Impaired
- Visually Impaired
- Orthopedically Impaired
- Other Health Impaired
- Speech and Language Impaired
- Specific Learning Disabilities
- Autism
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Regular education
- Regular education with support services
- Regular education with teacher consultant services
- Regular education with resource room services
- Part-time categorical classroom
- Full-time categorical classroom
- Kentucky School for the Deaf
- Kentucky School for the Blind
- Preschool
Ancillary Services May Include:
- Physical Therapist
- Occupational Therapist
- Speech Language Pathologist
- Teacher of the Homebound/Hospitalized
- Orientation and Mobility Services
- Special Transportation
Child Find
The Casey County School District has an ongoing “Child Find” system, which is designed to locate, identify and evaluate any child residing in a home, facility, or residence within its geographical boundaries, age three (3) to twenty-one (21) years, who may have a disability and be in need of Special Education or 504 services. This includes children who are not in school; those who are in public, private, or home school; those who are highly mobile such as children who are migrant or homeless; and those who are advancing from grade to grade, who may need but are not receiving Special Education or 504 services.
The district’s “Child Find” system includes children with disabilities attending private or home schools within the school district boundaries who may need special education services.
The Casey County School District will make sure any child enrolled in its district who qualifies for Special Education or 504 services, regardless of how severe the disability, is provided appropriate Special Education or 504 services at no cost to the parents of the child.
Parents, relatives, public and private agency employees, and concerned citizens are urged to help the Casey County School District find any child who may have a disability and need Special Education or 504 services. The District needs to know the name and age, or date of birth of the child; the name, address, and phone number(s) of the parents or guardian; the possible disability; and other information to determine if Special Education or 504 services are needed.
If you know of a child who lives within the boundaries of the Casey County School District, who may have a disability, and may need but is not receiving Special Education or 504 services, please call the Board of Education 606-787-2210
If you have questions concerning evaluations or re-evaluations for children with disbilities, please contact the Director of Special Education 606-787-2210
Information on transition from high school for students with disabilities, professionals, and parents. For more transition information, visit www.transitiononestop.org |
Successful Transition
The successful transition of all students from grade level to grade level or from school to post-school activities – whether to postsecondary education, vocational training, integrated employment, continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living or community participation – is the ultimate goal of educators.
But no matter how you look at it, transition means change, and change can be difficult under even the best circumstances. The transition from grade levels or from school to community, though filled with the hopeful promise of new beginnings, presents a unique set of challenges that must be met with careful, systemic, and individualized planning in order to be successful. The goal of the special education is to ensure we are "Planning for our students futures, not their past"
Special Education Services
- Transition One Stop
The purpose of this site is to provide information related to the many transitions we encounter across our life spans. It is designed as a resource for anyone going through, or helping someone with, a life change including people with disabilities who may
- KDE-Special Education
This site includes information on all aspects of special education programs in public schools.
- SESC-Southeast Southcentral Educational Cooperative
The SE/SC Cooperative has been established to assist the Casey County Schools (and other school districts) with Professional Develop related to Academics, Special Education, and Behavioral Needs
- KDE-Exceptional Children
This site includes information on all aspects of exceptional education programs in public schools including Blind and Deaf Services, English Learners, Gifted and Talented, and Special education.